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Denis Ledoux

Denis Ledoux Profile Photo

Denis Ledoux is a memoir and fiction writer, ghostwriter, writing coach, editor and book producer based Lisbon Falls, Maine.

He ghostwrote his mother’s memoir, We Were Not Spoiled / A Franco-American Memoir (2014), and has written A Sugary Frosting (2016), the story of his late wife’s childhood, My Eye Fell Into the Soup (2018), a memoir of his wife’s last year as she succumbed to cancer, and French Boy / A 1950s Franco-American Childhood, (2024), his own childhood memoir.

He won Maine Writing Fellowships in 1991 and 1996 and his collection of short stories, Mountain Dance was chosen for the 1990 Maine Fiction award. He holds a B.A. (in English Literature) and an M.A.( in Secondary Education). He authored What Became of Them and Other Stories From Franco-America (1989), a collection of short stories, and Lives in Translation / Contemporary Franco-American Writings (1991).

Denis has helped thousands of people to write their memoirs through his company, The Memoir Network.

He has been active in Franco-American organizations, most recently as a member of the programming committee of the Franco-American Collection, an archive in Lewiston, Maine.

His books are all available on Amazon as well as on his website, www.themrmoirnetowrk.com. He can be reached at Denis@thememoirnetwork.com

Sept. 21, 2024

French-Canadians in America with Denis Ledoux

Denis Ledoux talks all about the trasnformation of French settlers of Canada from French to French-Canadians, then French-Americans with anecdotes from his own life as a Frenchie.

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